Monday, September 30, 2019

Are Americans Starving To Death Education Essay

Food insecurity is defined as non ever holding entree to enough nutrient for active, healthy life Seccombe, 2007. America is thought of as a rich and comfortable state and many people would ne'er believe that there is a hunger issue. But, the U.S. authorities spends near to $ 1 trillion a twelvemonth supplying money, nutrient, lodging, and medical attention to hapless and low-income households. Of the $ 1 trillion, approximately $ 111 billion is spent on nutrient entirely ( Kozak, 2012 ) . It is normally thought that the jobs associated with hungriness are confined to certain countries of the state or certain vicinities, but that is non the instance. Right now, 1000000s of people all over America are fighting with hungriness. It ‘s clip for people to go educated about the causes and possible solutions of hungriness in America.Historical Background of the issueFolklore from the in-between ages frequently echoed the problems of the people ‘s day-to-day lives, which included hungriness. In these narratives kids of households that could non afford to maintain them were left to roll in the wood and if the kids found a faery their first want was on a regular basis nutrient ( Weill, 2012 ) . It has been thought throughout history that most Americans lead lives of luxury. That is n't difficult to believe since films and telecasting shows portray America as a civilization of wealths. Conversations about utmost hungriness and poorness have about vanished from popular civilization and the society as a whole ( Weill, 2012 ) . Hunger and nutrient insecurity are the consequences of old ages of workplace favoritism, deficient authorities assistance, and other economic jobs. The recession had a big negative impact on hungriness issue in America. â€Å" From 1999 to 2007, the economic system grew, but most benefits of growing went to the flush. Food insecurity rose from 10.1 per centum in 1999 to 11.1 per centum of families in 2007 † ( Weill, 2012 ) . A survey conducted by the USDA shows that in 2005, approximately 12 per centum of Americans ( 35 million people ) were unable to set nutrient on the tabular array at least portion of the twelvemonth, and that 11 million people reported traveling hungry on juncture ( 12 Percentage, 2006 ) . Throughout history hungriness has continued to be a job in America, from the earliest colonists to modern twenty-four hours households, seting nutrient on the tabular array is an issue that impacts many people.The Prevalence and Seriousness of the IssueIn 2007 the per centum of nutrient insecure families in America was 11.1 per centum ( Lewis and Burd-Sharps, 2010 ) . In 2011, a sum of 50.1 million Americans lived in nutrient insecure families. Of the 50.1 million, 33.5 million were grownups and 16.7 million were kids ( Feeding America, 2012 ) . Every county in America is affected by nutrient insecurity. Steele County, ND has the lowest per centum of nutrient insecure families, while Holmes County, MS has the highest per centum of nutrient insecure families ( Feeding America, 2012 ) . In one of the richest states on Earth, there are still those without adequate to eat.The Impact of the Issue on FamiliesIn nutrient insecure households each member is affected. Young kids from nutrient insecure households frequently have reduced societal and cognitive development, along with more wellness jobs and high hospitalization rates. School-age kids are most frequently affected by nutrient insecurity in their school public presentation. Math and reading tonss are normally lower than other kids ‘s, they besides have a harder clip paying attending in category, and frequently move out. Among adolescents, nutrient insecurity is associated with self-destructive ideas and depression ( Chilton and Rabinowich, 2010 ) . Even moderate nutrient insecurity has an impact on people. Pregnant adult females that do n't hold proper nutrition addition the hazard of certain birth defects and low baby birth weight. Very immature kids with bad nutrition due to chair nutrient insecurity can be stunted in their growing and have delayed cognitive development. Overall, kids that suffer from nutrient insecurity are most affected in their physical and cognitive growing, doing them to dawdle behind their equals and larn less ( Weill, 2012 ) . Adults that suffer from nutrient insecurity are frequently less productive and have poorer wellness. Adult hungriness besides harms kids. When grownups go hungry to protect kids the ensuing emphasis and depression, non merely harms the grownups, but besides the impacts that kids ‘s mental wellness and schooling ( Weill, 2012 ) . Hunger in America impacts the lives of kids and grownups. Their mental, physical and emotional wellness are greatly affected by the deficiency of nutrition and the emphasis of non holding plenty nutrient.Pro and Con Sides of the IssueThree â€Å" Key Players † Who Influence and are in Support of the IssueAuxiliary Nutrition Assistance Program ( SNAP ) , the Particular Auxiliary Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children plan ( WIC ) , and the National School Lunch plan are the three chief plans that influence the hungriness state of affairs in America ( Weill, 2012 ) . The state ‘s largest nutrition plan is SNAP and the figure of people utilizing this plan is increasing each twelvemonth. In 2000 there was an norm of 17.2 million people profiting from SNAP each month, in 2008 that figure jumped to an norm of 28 million people per month ( Weill, 2012 ) . WIC is another federal aid plan that works to conflict the hunger issue in America. The people that benefit from WIC are low income pregnant adult females, suckling adult females and kids under the age of five. The services provided through WIC are auxiliary nutrient, expression, nutrition instruction, entree to healthcare and other societal services ( USDA, 2012 ) . The National School Lunch Program ( NSLP ) is a federally aided repast plan that helps feed school kids. NSLP operates in public and non-profit-making private schools. This plan provides nutritionally balanced, low-priced or free tiffins to measure uping kids each school twenty-four hours ( USDA, 2012 ) . These three plans, along with other nutrient aid plans, work to conflict the issue of hungriness in America.Three Key Players Who are in Opposition of the IssueAlthough there are many plans and organisations that work to cut down the figure of households traveling hungry, there are people who do non believe that hungriness is an issue at all in America. Census Bureau information is the chief grounds for people in resistance of the hungriness issue. In 2009 the Census Bureau reported that of the about 50 million Americans classified as hapless the bulk said that they did n't travel hungry. Many of the parents classified as hapless ( 96 % to be exact ) said their kids were ne'er hungr y in 2009. An even more surprising statistic is that 82 % of hapless grownups said they were ne'er hungry at any clip in 2009 due to a deficiency of nutrient or money ( Kozak, 2012 ) . In the 2010-11 school twelvemonth, about 373,000 kids in Wisconsin received free school tiffins. The disagreement with this information is that there are nowhere near 373,000 childs in Wisconsin that come from households that live below the poorness line. This information suggests that households are taking advantage of the school tiffin plan and that middle-class and upper-middle-class childs that do non measure up for free school tiffins are eating tiffin at taxpayer disbursal ( Kozak, 2012 ) .The Strengths and Weaknesses of the Key Player ‘s PositionsThe organisations in support of the hungriness issue in America have many strengths in their place. They have used the statistics from metropoliss, counties and provinces from around the state to understand that hunger state of affairs. From that information they have formed plans specifically created for the most prevailing state of affairss, such as, households populating under the poorness line, pregnant female parents, and k ids. The failings of the protagonists of the hungriness state of affairs in America are chiefly that they do n't look to be decreasing the issue. As many statistics have shown over the old ages, the figure of households with nutrient insecurity have increased, non decreased. The people in resistance to the hungriness issue in America have several strengths to their place. There is grounds that hungriness may non be as large of an issue among the hapless as antecedently believed. The statistics about hapless households describing that they do n't travel hungry is one of the chief strengths. The failing of the resistance ‘s statement is that the ground why the hapless are describing that they do n't travel hungry is frequently because they are having nutrient aid. Without the nutrient aid they would most probably go hungry and the resistance would hold no grounds.Are their Arguments Converting?Both the supportive groups and the opposing groups have reasonably convincing statements. Both sides have statistical grounds to back up their claims and are able to explicate why they are right. The chief ground why the opposing group ‘s statements are less convincing is that their statistical grounds could be proven false if the people interviewed were having nutrient aid. For case, the people that report non traveling hungry in 2009 may be able to state that because of auxiliary nutrient plans.DecisionsCurrent Laws that have been passed in Regards to the IssueThe National School Lunch Act was signed into jurisprudence in 1946 by President Harry Truman. This jurisprud ence created the National School Lunch Program that provides low-cost or free tiffins for kids. Another jurisprudence that was passed is the Healthy Hunger Free Kids Act of 2010. This jurisprudence authorizes funding for the USDA ‘s nucleus kid nutrition plans ( USDA, 2012 ) . A 3rd jurisprudence passed is the Food Stamp Act of 1964 which authorized a nutrient cast plan to allow low income families to have benefits.Are these Laws Helping or Worsening the Situation?These Torahs have helped many single people to non travel hungry, but overall they have non made a immense dent in the figure of people with an deficient sum of nutrient. The figure of people on nutrient aid plans is lifting each twelvemonth and shows that more and more people need aid. These plans are maintaining people from hungering, but they are non assisting change by reversal the procedure so they can feed themselves. Fraud is a major job with many of these plans. Many people will have the benefits of nutrient aid when they do n't really necessitate it or even use multiple times. New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg and New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo are presently at odds over whether to go on an anti-fraud effort to fingerprint receivers. Mayor Bloomberg believes that fingerprinting receivers will salvage 1000000s of taxpayer dollars by maintaining people from using for aid multiple times. However, Mr. Cuomo believes that coercing the receivers to be fingerprinted stigmatizes them and will maintain hungry kids from eating ( Kozak, 2012 ) .The Future of this Issue and my Prediction of What will Happen in 20 old ages from Now in Regards to the IssueI do n't see this issue being resolved anytime shortly. There are so many other issue that are tied in with hungriness that they would all hold to be solved before hungriness was wholly extinguished in America. I do non believe that the issue will diminish in the following 20 old ages because at that place seems to be a turning tendency of the figure of people necessitating to utilize nutrient aid plans.Changes or Improvements I would urge for the Direction of this IssueTo stop hunger both authorities intercession and single engagement would be needed ( Mariana and Rabinowich, 2010 ) . If a full-time lower limit pay occupation wages excessively small to run into a household ‘s basic demands, improved nutrient cast and school repasts plans can cut down enduring but will non stop hungriness. To alter the figure of hungry people in America the state must increase the incomes of as many households as possible to above the poorness line. To carry through this the federal lower limit pay would necessitate to be increased, along bettering unemployment insurance, child support recovery, and the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families plan ( TANF ) ( Weill, 2012 ) . Overall, to better the issue of hungriness in America, I would go on to supply nutrient aid, but I would besides work to assist households go self-sufficing.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Brl Hardy Driving Forces to Become a Global Company

What are the driving forces behind BRL Hardy to become a global company? â€Å"A Global company is an organization that attempts to standardize and integrate operations worldwide in all functional areas. † In general, there are multiple Globalization forces; some of them are: * Industrial: get access to a bigger market to sell the product. * Financial: by emerging worldwide, it is easier to borrow money * Political forces: the raising globalization goes along with the decrease of the importance of the state. Companies can set up their headquarter in different countries, in function of the legislation in those countries. * Technological forces: the new discoveries and the fast evolving technology eases the communication and makes it easier to collect information about foreign/other goods. * Market: when companies globalize, they also become global customers. * Cost: By becoming global, companies can benefit from economies of scale. The company can also locate production in countries where production costs are lower. In early times, the wine industry was very little. There were little village labels and the grapes grew on tiny vineyards. Those factors made the wine industry very agricultural i. e. the harvest was very vulnerable to weather and diseases. On the other side, the wine business had very few multinational companies and therefore very few true global brands. This made BRL Hardy think about expanding its business to multiple locations over the world and become one of the world’s first global wine companies. The first company on the market has a big chance to become one of the biggest companies in his sector. By breaking the habit of growing and selling only its own wine, Hardy was able to build the scale necessary for creating strong brands and negotiating with retail stores. In 1882, BRLH won his first international gold medal at Bordeaux. Winning a price creates a certain reputation, which makes it more likely that the wine will sell if the company becomes a global company. Also, the company was Australia’s largest winemaker, and one of the most respected. Next to this, Australian wine was becoming a trend, and the demand from new customers in nontraditional markets grew rapidly. All this were driving forces to become a global company. Sources: http://www. slideshare. net/gugaslide/global-business-presentation http://www. slideshare. net/RealRedOne/harvard-business-school-brl-hardy-globalizing-an-australian-wine-company http://www. businessschoolnetherlands. com/files/bsn-article_marius-leibold_business-model-innovation_1. pdf http://www. andidas. com/academic/lse_coursework/MN498%20-%20Tesco%20Internationalisation_by_andidas. pdf http://scholar. sun. ac. za/bitstream/handle/10019. 1/3328/Ewouba-Biteghe,%20BS. pdf? sequence=1 http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Globalization

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Blame For Ww1 Essay Research Paper The

Blame For Ww1 Essay, Research Paper The incrimination of get downing World War One is an issue that until today is still non resolved. Many historiographers every bit good as committees tried to happen the state or individual responsible for the war but their findings are really different. This issue is unresolved because no one individual, event or state is to the full responsible for the eruption of war ; it was the actions and fortunes that existed before the war, between the states that fought, that triggered the beginning of World War One. Sidney Bradshaw Fay was one of the people who wrote about the guilty party of the First World War. Fay states that none of the European states wanted war nevertheless in each of the states, political and military leaders did certain things that lead to the declarations of war and the mobilisation of military personnels. These leaders besides failed to detain the oncoming of war. Harmonizing to Fay each state was, to some grade, guilty of the war. Fay wrote that Austria was more responsible for the immediate cause of the war than any other state. He writes that Austria was moving in self-defence against the gnawing Serbian and Jugoslav agitation which her leaders believed threaded he being. Besides after the shot of the archduke, Count leopard von Berchtold, the Austrian foreign curate hastily declared war against Serbia in order to prevent all attempts at mediation. He even refused the advice of his Alliess to come to an understanding with Russia, on the footing of a military business of Belgrade as a pledge that Serbia would transport out the promises in her answer to the ultimatum. Fay wrote in Origins of the World War that Serbia was partly responsible for the eruption of war. Like any other state in the 19th century they wanted to be liberated from foreign regulation. When Serbia looked for aid from Russia the two states became Alliess. Therefore after the shot of Archduke Francis Ferdinand, Mr. Pashitch the Prime Minister of Serbia took no stairss to detect who committed the blackwash. When Austria asked Serbia to assist them happen the individuals responsible for the offense, Serbia refused. He besides wrote that it turns out that Mr. Pashitch was cognizant of the secret plan to kill the Archduke three hebdomads before it occurred but did nil to halt the bravos from traversing the lodger. Serbia s guilt lies in the fact that notwithstanding the information the Prime Minister had nil was done to forestall the program from being completed. Germany excessively was in portion responsible for war. Harmonizing to Fay Germany largely tried to forestall the eruption of war nevertheless, Germany s geographical place lead to their demand to protect themselves. Germany is between Russia and France where Germans felt really threatened. They felt that they should protect themselves since Russia was likely to step in in the Balkan Problem and that England would non remain impersonal but ally itself with France. Harmonizing to Fay German mobilisation was an act of self-defense and Germany did non at all want war. Fay continued to compose that Russia besides was partially responsible for the Austro-Serbian struggle because it often encouraged Belgrade ; Serbian national integrity would be achieved with Russian aid at Austrian disbursal. Because of this encouragement Serbia thought she could acquire assist from Russia in instance of war with Austria. Otherwise Serbia would hold non done so many things that threatened peace. However Russia was non every bit ready as she appeared, she was still retrieving from the Russo-Japanese war and was non ready for a European battle with Teutonic Powers, said Fay. Due to their unprepared state of affairs, Russia put restraints on Serbia. But in the spring of 1914, Russia felt they reigned much of what they lost in the Russ-Japanese war and were ready to contend Europe, which make Serbia confident in her actions sing the blackwash of the Archduke. Harmonizing to Fay the portion that France played in the induction of the war is less clear, because France has non made a full publication of their paperss. However during the President Maurice Paleogue s visit to Russia it is clear that he told the Tsar that France would back Russia, as an ally in forestalling Austria for mortifying or powderizing Serbia. The president was really supportive and did non seek to keep Russia from military steps which he knew would name forth German counter-measures and cause war, wrote Fay. Therefore the Russian Gallic confederation would do France to take some of the incrimination of the First World War, because of the Gallic support of Russia. Harmonizing to Fay, the mistake of Great Britain in forestalling the World War was because Sir Edward Grey did non make one of two things, which coul vitamin D have prevented war. Fay wrote If early in the crisis, he had acceded to the goad of France and Russia and given a strong warning to Germany that, in a European War, England would take the side of the Franco-Russian Alliance, this would hold led Bethmann to exercise an earlier and more effectual force per unit area on Austria. If this had merely been known, the war could hold been prevented because, as Fay thinks, Austria would hold non declared war on Serbia. Fay besides wrote that if Sir Edward Grey had listened to German goad, and warned Russia and France before in the crisis, war could hold been prevented if England stated that they would stay impersonal. England s nonpartizan mentality would hold made Russia hesitate with her mobilisation and France would hold put force per unit area on St. Petersburg to hold peace negotiations alternatively of traveling to war. The Commission on War Guilt was came up with it s ain guilty party on the cause the First World War. Harmonizing to the Commission the chiefly duty remainders foremost on Germany, secondly on Turkey and Bulgaria. The duty is made all the graving tool by ground of the misdemeanor by Germany and Austria of the neutrality of Belgium and Luxembourg, which they themselves had guaranteed. The first ground that Germany and Austria-Hungary are at mistake, harmonizing to the committee, is the empathic ultimatum with a really short clip bound they sent to Belgrade. They expected Serbia to non accept the ultimatum giving them grounds to pay war on Serbia. In order to keep peace Serbia s Alliess urged the state to hold to the demands. They yielded. But Germany mobilized before they received Serbia s understanding to the ultimatum. The Commission besides wrote that they Entente Powers tried to happen a peaceable solution of the difference. On July 25, Sir Edward Grey proposed mediation but Germany refused saying that this war was an issue or arbitration non of mediation. The undermentioned twenty-four hours Russia tried to negociate straight with Austria but the offer was refused. The twenty-four hours after that England wanted to keep a European conference but Germany refused. The Commission fundamentally regards Germany and Austria as the chief grounds that the war broke out and was non controlled. Bernadotte E. Schmitt besides wrote about the cause of the First World War. He wrote that many of the factors that lead to the war happened many old ages before, in the bend of the century. For illustration the October Crisis and so some old ages subsequently the Balkan Wars in 1912-13. Harmonizing to Schmitt, Germany was at mistake because they felt that they could win the war on the premise that England would stay impersonal ; but England did fall in the ground forces on the opposing side. Germany besides thought that war was a good agencies of covering with the threat of socialism, which seemed to be steadily increasing, wrote Schmitt. He besides wrote that without Germany being portion of the confederation system the war would hold neer broke out. Austria-Hungary was at mistake for making the untimatum. They could hold predicted that Serbia would accept about anything to forestall war. However even though Austria go the ultimatum they broke off diplomatic dealingss and declared war on Serbia on July 28. Russia s duty lies in the fact that they supported Serbia in military power. Even though Russia was still seeking to retrieve from the Russo-Japanese war, they were willing to assist Serbia in a war against Germany. Their chief ground for making this was to guarantee that Russia could still utilize Serbia as entree to the Mediterranean they needed for trade and military intents. Each of these three positions on the war guilt have valid points, nevertheless this means that no one state is personally responsible for the war. The shot of the Archduke, although believed to be the chief ground for war, was merely a little part of the cause. If the Archduke was non changeable some other small thing would hold brought out the mounting tenseness felt by they European states. It is besides non just ot say that chiefly Germany and Austria were at mistake. The other states tried to hold peace negotiations, nevertheless nowhere is it written what each state s grounds were for holding these negotiations. Possibly their dockets were non as clear or good as they appeared on the surface. The confederation system was one of the chief grounds for the war. In a state of affairs where every state must be loyal to another in instance of a war, no 1 remains impersonal to intercede in the war. Had the system non existed any war that potentially broke out between Austria and Serbia could hold been stopped or slowed by impersonal states but since none of the great powers of Europe were non in an confederation no 1 was left to do any attempt in halting the war.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Latinos underepresentation in the criminal justice system are reflect Research Paper

Latinos underepresentation in the criminal justice system are reflect in the lack of latinos judges in the United States Supreme Court - Research Paper Example Without the promotion of a significant number of Latino legal professionals, Latinos perhaps have access to a very few culturally aware Latino legal experts to cater to the needs of the continuously increasing Latino population in the U.S. (Failde, 1997). This paper argues that Latino underrepresentation in the criminal justice system is reflected in the lack of Latino legal professionals or judges in the U.S. Supreme Court. Several qualitative and quantitative findings and statistics are available on affiliates of the legal profession who are self-identified Latino and hence offer some ideas about the opportunities, difficulties, and achievements of Latino judges and legal professionals (Rivera & Roure, 2012), and is crucial in gaining knowledge of the experiences of Latino legal experts. The rise of Latinos as a capably major electoral group is apparent in the judicial selection policymaking during the Bush administration. A Latino lawyer and past state judge, Alberto Gonzales, has become controversial because of his job as the head of the Bush judicial selection board. More importantly, the attempt of the Bush administration to assign Miguel Estrada to the federal appellate position brings a realization that Latinos can be a major political electorate. The appointment of Estrada was among the few disapproved by Democratic senators due to worries about his alleged fanatic conservatism (Chavez, 2011). It is widely believed that the Bush administration would want to take acclaim for assigning the very first Latino Supreme Court justice. However, in relation to other parts of judicial selection, there was no rise in the number of Latino judges from the conclusion of the Clinton presidency to the middle of the Bush government. Nevertheless, there was a little surge in t he population of Latino judges in U.S. District Courts (Smith et al., 2005). Regardless of whether Bush has the chance to

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Descartes Dissertation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Descartes - Dissertation Example Since what one saw in the world was deceptive, theories that one would create on the basis of the observation of the world would also be deceptive, was what Descartes thought. This, he related to the existence of man itself. This is expressed in his famous quote, â€Å"I think, therefore I am† (Rene). This theory of Descartes has been thought to encourage a detachment from the universe. This was said to involve a lack of knowledge regarding the world and what it had in store for one. However, Descartes’ theory is one that originates not from an ignorance regarding the universe but from a knowledge of it which results in a knowledge of its deceitful nature of being. This led him to believe in the ideas of his mind that he felt, were more reliable for himself as a person. Works Cited Rene Descartes: 'I think therefore I am'. Web. .html Accessed on 23rd, June, 2011. Descartes, Rene. Med itations. Tr. Veitch, John. New York: Cosimo Books, 2008. Print.

Film Review Movie Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Film - Movie Review Example However, the film was nominated for the Academy Awards for best ‘makeup’. Best Character and Scene form the Film The novel ‘Frankenstein’ as well as the film captivates a volley of characters within the plot. The character which is most fascinating and appealing is evidently ‘The Creature’ played by Robert De Niro as it is presented as the product of an experiment with corpse and electricity. The kind of makeup which was put on Niro was definitely quite bizarre and heavy in order to make him awful. The way Robert De Niro carried the makeup throughout the film, makes his acting commendable. The attire and the makeup became a coherent part of his personality throughout the film. The way Robert De Niro displayed the bestial qualities within the creature; it almost compelled the audience to think that he is a real corpse electrified to life incarnated. Also at times, the emotions displayed by the awful creature are not an easy job to exhibit but an expert actor like Robert De Niro could make it possible. For an average or general actor it is not an easy task to portray emotions with attire and make up of a beast.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Quantitative research Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Quantitative research - Essay Example Infant Mortality Rate: It is defined as the number of infant deaths in a given year divided by the number of live births in the same year. Normally, it is expressed per 1,000 live births. Or stated otherwise it is an estimate of the number of infant deaths for every 1,000 live births. Infants are children defined as less than one year of age. How does infant mortality rate affect birth rate? About 25,000 infants die each year. The loss of an infant remains a traumatizing reality for many families and takes a serious toll on the health and well-being of the affected families. It also significantly affects demographic structure of a given country. The risk of a child dying before completing the first year of age was highest in the WHO African region (63 per 1000 live births), about six times higher than that in the WHO European region (10 per 1000 live births). 63 deaths per 1000 live births in 1990 to 35 deaths per 1000 live births in 2012. Annual infant deaths have declined from 8.9 million in 1990 to 4.8 million in 2012. What leads to infant mortality rate? Infant mortality rate is significant in that, it is used as an indicator to measure the health and well-being of a nation. This is because the factors affecting the health of the entire populations can also impact adversely on the mortality rate of infants. The keys causes of infant mortality include; 1 Â   Born too small and so prematurely- this are babies born before the completion of the entire gestation period. It’s obvious that such babies are mainten aid in the baby incubators until they achieve the required age. However, it sometimes unfortunate that such babies don’t make it, due to circumstances that above the control of the responsible medics. Victims of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) - this is a gracious syndrome that causes abrupt and un-anticipated death of new born babies. At times, such deaths lack medical justification and explanations as to why they

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

The Molecular Detection Methods For Plasmodium Falciparum Essay

The Molecular Detection Methods For Plasmodium Falciparum - Essay Example This travels through the blood into the liver where it attacks the liver cells. Here, it matures into a mother cell which also produces other daughter cells within a period of six days. This daughter cells the releases themselves from the mother and attacks the red blood cells (Guerra, Snow and Hay, 2006). Plasmodium Falciparum sometimes prevents the destruction of these red blood cells which have been affected by the virus causing more trouble to the body. This is achieved by sending proteins to the cell membrane of the red blood cell which causes the red blood cells to stick to the walls of the small blood vessels. The cluster of red blood cells may cause blockage in the circulation system The symptoms of malaria usually begin to show after about 10 to 30 days after a mosquito bite. These can either be severe or a little complicated to the person. Small children and expectant mothers are the most vulnerable to the disease. Diagnosis of malaria is, therefore, an important factor in the determination of the presence of the disease. This should be then followed by a correct treatment of the disease. However, the causative virus is still a problem due to its ability to be resistance making malaria a threat to medicine. Several molecular detection methods can be applied to establish the existence of plasmodium falciparum in the body. ... The parasite can also be observed from the smear. A drop of blood is usually placed on a slide and then spread uniformly throughout the slide length to make sure that the cells are spaced up properly in the slide. A definite layer where the cells are spaced far enough to be counted and differentiated is always the best to examine. This layer is referred to as monolayer. It is usually found on the slide’s edge. The slide is then left to air dry and then fixed into the slide by immersing into methanol. It is the stained. Staining helps to differentiate the cells from each other. Romanowsky Wright`s, or Giemsa, is usually the stain that is used to stain the cells. The slide is then viewed under a microscope under a high magnification e.g. x1000. The abnormalities in these cells which in the case of plasmodium falciparum are usually red blood cells are observed and recorded. The parasites appearance can also be observed from the film. Each of the plasmodium species portrays distin guishing characteristics hence can, therefore, be differentiated from each other. The parasites’ appearance is usually preserved in a thin film; this is unlike in thick films, which are mostly used when large volumes of blood are to be observed. They have been found to be more sensitive than the thin films of blood, but separating the parasites here is usually hard. However, it poses its own limitation especially in the diagnosis of malaria in early stages. This is because, in these stages all the parasites appear in a ring like shape hence distinguishing them becomes a problem. This is the trophozoites stage which is a ring shape. Another problem also arises when the amount of time between the blood collection

Monday, September 23, 2019

Whats wrong with school teacher play student, learns to lie and cheat Essay

Whats wrong with school teacher play student, learns to lie and cheat - Essay Example Glanz realized that the students found the classes boring, lied and manipulated their teachers, and they did not work hard to get good grades. She realized that the students did not learn much in the classrooms as they were demotivated and turned off by the fact that they had little responsibility and power over their education. They expected the teachers to do everything for them and assumed that their role was to sit down and listen. They thought that the teachers were bores and their role was to distribute the information required for the students to pass tests. Glanz was saddened by the fact that teachers did not realize the communication gap that existed between them and their students. She learned that political corruption had made some students believe that there was no need to put in effort as it had little value. Students had a low opinion over honesty and this attitude encouraged many of them to cheat in their exams and feel no remorse about their actions. As Glanz returned to her former school, she decided to demand more from the students by making sure that they were responsible for their education. She did not accept their excuses easily and ensured that they put in effort in every aspect of their education (Banas 658). Students find many classes boring, put in little effort to pass their exams, use excuses to refrain from doing homework and other tasks, and manipulate teachers to complete their tasks. I think that this has been the trend for many students but there are an exceptional few who work hard to get good grades. In my opinion, many classes are boring and the teachers are sometimes bores. This is because the students do not play an active role in class. They are expected to sit in class quietly as the teachers give instruction. Therefore, the students feel detached from the learning process. I agree with Glanz as she concludes that students are demotivated because they have little responsibilities and

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Great Expectation Essay Example for Free

Great Expectation Essay Compare the filming techniques used in Pips first meeting with Miss Havisham with two adaptations of Charles Dickenss Great Expectations  The two film clips that this essay will be based on, and comparing, is a version by Julian Jarrold which appeared on TV screens in 1999 and a much older cinema appearance by David Lean from 1946. The first noticeable difference is that the earlier film is played in black and white and therefore has certain lighting limitations and, as a result of technological disadvantages, has limited camera shot availability. However, there are a number of useful factors available for analysis. Both films attempt to build up a sense of mystery and increasing tension all the way through the scenes and the task in hand is to focus in on all the different types of filming techniques used to do so. On the whole, the 1999 version is darker than the 1946 edition and this increases the tension factor. Each scene takes us from Pip entering Miss Havishams room to when he leaves and incorporates all of the insults and belittling from Miss Havisham and Estella, although even this is played differently in the two films; David Lean makes very obvious insults as though Estella is actually telling him he is lower than her yet in Jarrolds version Estella either insults Pip to Miss Havisham or to herself in an undertone. There are six main techniques used by each director which this essay will analyse, they are: shot types and framing-how each camera shot affects the mood of the scene, camera angles and lens movement-how the camera is positioned and what bearing that has on the scene, editing, music and sound effects-the backing sounds and its effect on the viewer, costumes-what each actor is wearing and what it does for the characters personality/appearance, lighting and visual effects-how the light and dark areas of the screen portray different ideas. Firstly, there are a few similarities between both scenes Shot types and framing/Camera angles and lens movements/Editing. The first is that both incorporate a long shot as Pip enters to show the huge room in front of him and show that this room really is intimidating as Pip looks tiny compared to the huge open space ahead. Secondly, both films show Pips reaction as a close up shot after the insults from Estella, this gives the viewer a real sense of pity for Pip and shows us what exactly is going through his mind at the time. The final similarity is as the game of cards unfolds, both films fade into the game to show a passing of time and both use an extreme close up to show us what is happening and, Miss Havisham is sat high on a chair in the middle, with Pip and Estella on the floor either side, with a medium shot, making Miss Havisham look very dominant and the children look almost patronised. The 1999 version has a lengthy amount of time when Pip is wondering around the room looking at certain objects, building up mystery and tension, which Jarrold misses out and skips from Pip entering straight to his conversation with Miss Havisham. This added section has a mixture of medium close ups, close ups and extreme close ups, but all the way through the shots are positioned a bit higher than Pip so it gives the audience the idea that somebody has a watchful eye on him, and this, to a certain extent, is almost creepy, certainly builds up mystery and also borderlines on scary. For example, when Pip is walking past the dummies the camera is high up so it is as though the viewers are looking through Miss Havishams eyes. The other main camera uses are when Pip sees Miss Havisham in the mirror, she looks virtually ghost like and it is almost scary, but just before she appears, its looks again as though he is being watched, and as Miss Havisham waves her arm to tell Pip to play, there is a close up of her arm to show her dominance and shortly after a close up of Pips face to show the confused reaction. This section of the scene is very clever camera work by Jarrold, and really does freak the audience out. Both films use shot types, framing, camera angles, lens movement and editing differently, but there a number of specific differences between the two. When the two films join back up, there are many different camera uses and consequences of such. In the 1946 version, there is a long shot as Pip walks up to Miss Havisham and a medium close up as they talk to one-another and as Pip advances further, the camera moves in an arc to keep him and Miss Havisham on the picture at the same time. When they are closer, it allows an even closer shot than before of their faces and therefore portrays both expressions and the reactions to each others expressions individually. An addition to this version of Great Expectations is how the camera zooms in on a cobweb covered bible to show the lost faith of Miss Havisham, and explain to the audience that something terrible has happened earlier in her life to make her do so. A two shot of Miss Havisham and Pip is on screen, and, as Estella joins the camera slides horizontally to follow her in. As Estella whispers in Miss Havishams ear there is a two shot to portray Miss Havishams expression. When Miss Havisham asks Pip his opinion of Estella he is made to whisper it in her ear but as he does so there is a medium close up showing all three expressions at the same time, i.e. Pips horror as Miss Havisham tells Estella what he has just said and Estellas delight of hearing such approving words. As Pip approaches the gate to go home, there is another fade in to show more time has passed by. This can be compared with the 1999 version which has a much briefer conversation between Pip and Miss Havisham as much time is spent when Pip walks around, but, when Pip is whispering about Estella, the camera zooms in on Estellas face to show her reaction after being praised by Pip. Finally, when Pip and Miss Havisham are talking, there is a two shot of them to show each reaction as each person says something.

Friday, September 20, 2019

H1N1 Disease (Swine Flu): Causes and Treatments

H1N1 Disease (Swine Flu): Causes and Treatments H1N1 disease is also referred to as the swine flu. It is a new kind of influenza which has been causing illness in the society and was first detected in the year 2009 in the United States. It spreads from one individual to another just the way the regular seasonal influenza viruses spread. It is referred to as the swine flu because laboratory tests indicated that the genetic constitution of the virus was similar to the influenza viruses that are normally found in pigs (swine). The general symptoms of this disease include fatigue, muscle aches, sore throat, headache, chills, decreased appetite, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and runny or stuffy nose. The specific symptoms found in the children includes troubles when breathing, bluish skin color, insufficient intake of fluids, lack of socialization, irritation on the body skin and fever which is accompanied by rashes. The agent cause of the H1N1 is the influenza A virus. This is a negative sense, single-stranded RNA which belongs to the orthomyxoviridae family. According to health officials, swine flu is contagious and its spread in the same way as the seasonal flu (coughing or sneezing). This is because every time a person infected with the swine flu coughs or sneezes, some tiny droplets containing this kind of virus are released into the air. Any person who comes into contact with these droplets is likely to get infected with this disease. Some of the risk factors associated with H1N1 are age and medical conditions. This is because certain age groups and those with prevailing medical conditions are likely to have complications if they are infected with this disease. For example children aged below 5 years and especially those who are below two years are likely to develop flu related complications. People aged 65years and above are also at higher risks of experiencing severe complications from this illnesses compared to the young people. This is because of the fact that human defenses become weaker as a person ages. Another vulnerable group to this H1N1 flu related complication s is the pregnant women. This is because this disease is both dangerous for the mother and the unborn child for its severity can be fatal. The medical conditions which can be complicated by H1N1 influenza infection include people with asthma, neurological and neurodevelopmental conditions, chronic lung disease, heart diseases (congestive heart fa ilure, congenital, coronary artery disease), blood disorders (sick cell anemia), endocrine disorders (diabetes mellitus), kidney disorders, liver disorders, metabolic disorders (mitochondrial and metabolic). Other medical conditions will include the people with a weakened immune system as a result of medication or diseases such as cancer, chronic steroids HIV and AIDS ( 2010). People who experience severe or mild of the earlier mentioned characteristics should visit the public or private health facilities for treatment. There are several drugs which can be used in alleviating the H1N1 flu in people with severe illnesses or risk factors. This includes the antiviral drugs such as the Tami flu and Relenza. There are also monovalent H1N1 virus vaccines which were approved by the FDA in September 2009 ( 2009). During May last year this disease was viewed as a pandemic by many countries and also by WHO. It is highly respected my many countries because of the effects which it can bring to a countrys population. Many governments perceive this disease as a threat because it is still increasing at an alarming rate as many new countries get infected too. Governments are however fighting the threat of this disease by testing the sample of ill persons and also by shifting the surveillance efforts to reporting and monitoring of trends. H1N1 is a very dangerous disease which spreads very fast because its method of transmissions is very simple. I believe that its the duty of each individual to monitor the mentioned symptoms and then report to the health facilities so as to reduce the opportunistic infections which come with the disease. People should also go for vaccination so that they can reduce the effects of the disease. People who have the risk factors should also visit the health facilities so as to avoid the flu related complications. Countries should step up measures to curbing this surging numbers of cases resulting from the disease. References (2010). 2009 H1N1 Flu. Retrieved on 13th February 2010, from (2009). H1N1 flu (swine flu) information. Retrieved on 13th February 2010, from What is a mortgage? What is a mortgage? Real Estate in Barcelona How to get a Mortgage What is a Mortgage? A mortgage is a loan or lien for a property/house which has to be paid within a specified period of time. It is usually a loan of money. A mortgage is a security for the loan that the lender makes to the borrower. Mortgage has many different shapes and sizes each with its own advantages and disadvantages. Types of Mortgages Fixed rate Mortgage This is suitable for those who prefer to know exactly what their monthly outgoings will be. Discounted Mortgage This type of loan is cheaper in the beginning and allows you to take advantage of any interest rate cuts. But if interest rate rises then your monthly payments will go up. Capped rate Mortgage This mortgage is a combination of fixed and discounted mortgages. Cashback Mortgage This is great for first-time buyers or those on a tight budget or has taken out a loan to use as a deposit for the mortgage. Once if the deal is done, your lender will reimburse a certain proportion of your mortgage loan. This could be as much as a couple of thousand pounds, depending on the lender and the size of the mortgage. Tracker Mortgage This normally follows movements in the base rate set by the Bank of England. Flexible Mortgage This is useful for couples starting a family or for those who are taking time out to study. You have to agree payment holidays with your lender. Taking time off could either increase your repayments later on or prolong your loan period. Tips to get a Mortgage Save a deposit Before getting a mortgage, first thing is to save enough money for a deposit. Financial Advice Think about how you want to repay your mortgage. Most people choose repayment loans also called capital and interest loans where part is paid back every month. By this, the whole loan is repaid at the end of its term. Find a lender Once if you have chosen the type of mortgage and the repayment method, you need to find a lender. How much can you borrow? The lender or mortgage broker will be able to tell you how much you can borrow. This is based on the following three factors Your income Your existing debt The size of your deposit Applying for a Foreign Mortgage in Spain When applying for a mortgage in Spain you need to make sure you have the following things Valid Passport, residence permit or Spanish ID card (NIE) New Building Resale Properties Three last salary slips of yours Three last bank statements of yours Spanish tax declaration for the last financial year (P60 form in UK) or if you are self-employed you need to provide tax slip for the last two years. International Banks with Spanish Mortgages The most straightforward option for a foreign buyer is to look to international banks, many of which have begun to offer special Spanish mortgages due to the large demand from internationals looking to buy in Spain. These are specifically catered to the Spanish housing market and deals with every aspect of translation, lawyers and insurance. Mortgage checklist Save a deposit Think about how much you can afford to pay each month on your mortgage Go through the different types of mortgages available Be prepared to get as much paperwork as possible in advance Always read the small print both on your mortgage and any insurance you intend to buy. It could save you a lot of money in the long run

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Genetically Engineered Crops: The Benefits Outweigh the Risks Essay

In order to understand the controversy of genetically engineered crops one must understand what genetic engineering or genetic modification is: â€Å"GMO are organisms that are generated by combining genes of different species using recombinant DNA (rDNA) technology. Resulting organisms are then said to be transgenic, genetically engineered or genetically modified (GM). This group of organisms includes... plants.† (Celec et al., 2005) The genetic modification of crops and plants was created so that crops could, â€Å"... protect themselves against insects and disease, to feed and vaccinate people at the same time, to flourish in poor soil and drought, or to improve the quantity and bioavailability of individual nutrients.† (Roberts, Struble, McCullum-Gomez, Wilkins, 2006). These benefits may seem to outweigh the risks and in reality they do, however this does not mean the consumer should not be notified of the risks they are taking. The hallmark of our free society demands that the consumer be able to choose whether or not they want to eat something that may have health risks product labeling that identifies GMO ingredients allows for consumers to choose a particular product while ensuring that the producer feel more at ease with the way they disclose information and promote their product. Genetically engineered crops have many risks ranging from mild to serious. The risks of food allergy is one more serious factor. â€Å"There are risks not only from the parent crop, but in addition the new transgenic product can be an allergen.† (Celec et al., 2005) The risk of food allergens from genetic engineering is evident in this case with Brazil nuts and soy beans. In this case genetically modified soy beans had been given a protein from Brazil nut... ...base Ehrenfreund, M., Wheat With Engineered Gene Demonstrates Challenges for Researchers. (2013, May). Retrieved November 14, 2013, from Guidance for Industry: Voluntary Labeling Indicating Whether Foods Have or Have Not Been Developed Using Bioengineering; Draft Guidance, (2013, August). Retrieved November 15, 2013, from Kaya, I. H. (2012). Genetically modified crops and human health. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances, 11(19), 3613-3617. Retrieved November 20, 2013, from Medwell Journals database. Roberts, K. S., Struble, M. B., McCullum-Gomez, C., Wilkins J. L. (2006). Use of a risk communication model to evaluate dietetics professionals’ viewpoints on genetically engineered foods and crops. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 106(5), 719-727. Retrieved November 15, 2013, from ScienceDirect database.

Serious Trauma :: Narrative Memoir Essays

Serious Trauma On a boring Wednesday afternoon, I sat in a brightly lit CPR classroom listening to the instructor drone on and on. I began to wonder if I would ever actually need to use these skills. I highly doubted it. The past two years I have worked at the "little-kid-infested" North Fork Swimming Pool, where there have been absolutely no emergencies. A bloody nose or a stubbed toe here or there but never any serious traumas. These skills that I thought were so useless were put to the test on a chilly Tuesday night in March. The evening started out normal enough, tennis practice and little bit of sparring in Tang So Doo class. That night the instrumental solo and ensemble contest was being held at HHS. Even though I am not a member of the band, I was asked to help out. I was involved in a saxophone quartet with Nolan Cmerek, Mandy Bever and Haley Benson. The four of us warmed up together and patiently waited for our time to come. Distracting us from the complete boredom we were experiencing, a few boys who had watched Louise and I spar in Tang So Doo, engaged in a dunking contest in the gym. The object of this game, as made by Gates and Tyler Shaklee, the "basketball stars", was to run, jump on a plyo box, and dunk the ball in the basketball hoop, suspended from the gym ceiling. This was amusing to us, the spectators. One particular spectator thought he would join in the fun. The third contestant, Jim Pratt, made his first attempt but lost his grip and fell onto the gym floor on his stomach knocking the air out of him. He got up holding his stomach, gasping for air, and laughing at himself at the same time. The small crowd joined in laughing with him. Nobody wants to try, fail and just quit, so naturally, Jim wanted to try again. Many of the cautious few in the audience expressed their doubts as to whether he should try it again. Jim, having the competitive nature I am sure that all teenage boys possess, attempted to dunk the round orange ball one more time. His second attempt was again a failure but of a different and more serious type. The momentum of Jim’s feet kept going as he grasped the rim. This motion swung him upside down forcing him to lose his grip and fall ten very long feet.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Compare and Contrast Tennysons Mariana with Brownings Porphyrias Lov

Compare and Contrast Tennyson's Mariana with Browning's Porphyria's Lover. What is the emotional state of each speaker and how effectively is this conveyed? Tennyson and Browning were contemporary Victorian poets. During his lifetime, Tennyson was made Poet Laureate. His poem 'Mariana' is very cyclical and minimal. The mood is depressive, which reflected Tennyson's family traits, as Tennyson himself was very susceptible to depression. However, Browning's 'Porphyria's Lover' is very linear as the action clearly moves from one stage to another and is not so repetitive. The remote and rural location of each poem portrays a sense of loneliness and isolation that is directed towards the central character. This heightens feeling and emotion and enables them to be introspected and egocentric. Both Mariana and Porphyria's Lover as people are unhappy with their current lives. They both desire love, as they feel frustrated because of their lovers. However, the two are slightly different. Mariana has been dejected whereas Porphyria's lover needs to control the relationship. In verse one of 'Mariana', the overall theme is one of isolation and neglect. The 'rusted nails' and 'broken shed' set the scene that Mariana too is neglected throughout the poem. 'My life is dreary' is Mariana showing her depression and also turning the misery in on herself; her lover 'cometh not'. Verse two shows Mariana crying. Her misery and gloominess are overwhelmingly apparent. Also her isolation from people is evident as she is shown to be in-tune with nature as her tears correspond to the drops of dew in the fields around her. Other features of her background are also appropriate. 'She glanced athwart the glooming flats' sugges... ...f, 'O God, that I were dead!' Another similarity is obvious here because both solutions are death but the difference is that Mariana but must commit suicide. 'Mariana' is very much a Victorian feminist poem in stressing female passivity, which was very prominent in that era. 'Porphyria's Lover' reinforces the idea of male activity and dominance compared with females having the over ruling power. Both poems are very successful in portraying desperate situations but focus on different points. Tennyson is very effective in showing a switch in power and the thought process of the central character. However, Browning's depiction of detail around Mariana's entrapment is most impressive. The way we can see her life going round and round in circles with amazing background ingredients is fantastic imagery by Tennyson. Therefore I think Mariana is more effective. Compare and Contrast Tennyson's Mariana with Browning's Porphyria's Lov Compare and Contrast Tennyson's Mariana with Browning's Porphyria's Lover. What is the emotional state of each speaker and how effectively is this conveyed? Tennyson and Browning were contemporary Victorian poets. During his lifetime, Tennyson was made Poet Laureate. His poem 'Mariana' is very cyclical and minimal. The mood is depressive, which reflected Tennyson's family traits, as Tennyson himself was very susceptible to depression. However, Browning's 'Porphyria's Lover' is very linear as the action clearly moves from one stage to another and is not so repetitive. The remote and rural location of each poem portrays a sense of loneliness and isolation that is directed towards the central character. This heightens feeling and emotion and enables them to be introspected and egocentric. Both Mariana and Porphyria's Lover as people are unhappy with their current lives. They both desire love, as they feel frustrated because of their lovers. However, the two are slightly different. Mariana has been dejected whereas Porphyria's lover needs to control the relationship. In verse one of 'Mariana', the overall theme is one of isolation and neglect. The 'rusted nails' and 'broken shed' set the scene that Mariana too is neglected throughout the poem. 'My life is dreary' is Mariana showing her depression and also turning the misery in on herself; her lover 'cometh not'. Verse two shows Mariana crying. Her misery and gloominess are overwhelmingly apparent. Also her isolation from people is evident as she is shown to be in-tune with nature as her tears correspond to the drops of dew in the fields around her. Other features of her background are also appropriate. 'She glanced athwart the glooming flats' sugges... ...f, 'O God, that I were dead!' Another similarity is obvious here because both solutions are death but the difference is that Mariana but must commit suicide. 'Mariana' is very much a Victorian feminist poem in stressing female passivity, which was very prominent in that era. 'Porphyria's Lover' reinforces the idea of male activity and dominance compared with females having the over ruling power. Both poems are very successful in portraying desperate situations but focus on different points. Tennyson is very effective in showing a switch in power and the thought process of the central character. However, Browning's depiction of detail around Mariana's entrapment is most impressive. The way we can see her life going round and round in circles with amazing background ingredients is fantastic imagery by Tennyson. Therefore I think Mariana is more effective.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Bmw Research Paper Essay

BMW is enhancing the travel experience for drivers and passengers while also launching a series of new platforms The BMW Group – one of Germany’s largest industrial companies – is also one of the most successful car and motorcycle manufacturers in the world and 2011 was its best year to date. With almost 1.7 million vehicles sold, the BMW Group is the world’s leading premium manufacturer in terms of sales volume. Its three automobile brands, BMW, MINI and Rolls-Royce, and the BMW and Husqvarna motorcycles brands led to record sales of â‚ ¬68.8bn. During 2011, the company introduced five new BMW models across the 1,3,5 and 6 series as well as the Mini Coupe and the Rolls-Royce 102EX, the first electric vehicle in the ultra-luxury segment. In addition, the company also launched a new sub brand – BMW i – that includes the i3 all-electric and i8 plug-in hybrid concept cars due for launch in 2013. However, as well as selling more products than ever and expanding production capacity, especially for the all-important China market, the company also kicked off a number of strategic partnerships for the future. These included the start of the BMW Peugeot Citroà «n Electrification joint venture, the acquisition of a strategic investment in SGL Carbon SE and the cooperation with Toyota Motor Corporation in basic research for battery cell technology. Although a significant manufacturer, BMW is not part of a larger company like its main competitor Audi. As BMW invests heavily in innovation to continue to produce the ultimate driving experience, keeping its power options open is key, so as the shift towards electric continues to gather speed these development partnerships are vital elements in the company’s growth strategy.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Interview Ceo

INTERVIEW 1/- During operating process of NIPPOVINA company for years, have you ever faced with the business ethical dilemma? Yes, a lot. Because launching business means making profit as much as possible while still manage to responsible for those strict environmental and human standards. Therefore, many conflicts occur day by day, making me so frustrated. 2/-In your opinion, how to resolve these issues in a best way? I think there aren’t any best ways to resolve the problem, there is only a better way. We have to scarify unnecessary things to get what you want.So many times when I have to consider carefully a number of factors such as company reputation, customer trust, product quality, new cost†¦ and make the final decision. 3/- For example, Nippovina company signed with the investor works B, produce the items made exclusively for B, request at the highest quality. But there is a small error in the production process cause tiny scratches on the surface but private rel igious mind is made which leads to the shipment is not satisfactory. He recovered but religion measuring?It depends on many factors, such as the value of the order is big or small, client B is long-time essential or new partners, how much the reputation of the company will affect, I may chose to revoke or deliver the cargo. 4 /- Assuming that all of these factors are very large, what would you do? Maybe I will not withdraw. Small scratches will not affect much to the quality of work, on the other hand, our company still operating and maintenance materials. 5 / – The motto of the company is always ready to provide the best materials, professional service technology.So in this case, do you think was the company not able to follow that motto? We are committed to using imported equipment, the best material for all projects, and try to comply with the most rigorous way. However the negligence and carelessness are inevitable, I cannot dismiss a skilled worker with only a scratch. I also fully do compensate the loss of time and money if I do not complete the order within the time limit. So, as mentioned above, after careful consideration, I sometimes have to trade off. FindingsWorrying about the CEO may argue in favor of his own behavior, the interview asked some question in the making assumption way so as to make the CEO answer sincerely. During the research process, the interviewer has investigated and found out the truth about an unqualified consignment. This was told by a manager who blows the whistle. The interview indicates that the CEO concern about the ethical dilemma that he was facing. Although each question is straight forward the problem, the CEO still feel comfortable to answer honestly. Many problems such as stakeholder profit, trust, loyalty are mentioned and discussed below.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Personal Philosophy of Nursing Essay

My philosophy in nursing is the devotion to deliver the utmost personal patient care I am capable of delivering to the ill, may it be physically, mentally, or emotional, as well as to the challenged in time of need. In order to define my philosophy of nursing, I had to take time out and re-examine my value system, and my beliefs. As I think about it I know I am a caring and compassionate nurse. I reminisced back to the late 70’s, my upbringing in foreign countries and having been exposed to diverse cultures, I quickly learned to revert back to the customs instilled in me by my parents and family. My mores and values of caring with my dedication indeed make a difference. With this valued exposure in my young life, these core values of nursing the beliefs instilled in me were defined by family and friends and peers and my personal as well as professional growth which made me the person I am today. Chitty defines philosophy as â€Å"philosophy is the study of principles underlying conduct, thought, and the nature of the universe† (p. 31), and Merriam-Webster more clearly defines states â€Å"pursuit of wisdom, the search for a general understanding of values and reality by chiefly speculative rather the observational needs† (online dictionary). That’s me. I strongly belief in modern medicine and the advancements in technology, therefore it is crucial for me to keep up on current trends, translate procedures, the use of new equipment and what to expect for my patients. I respect the patient’s autonomy and their ethical behaviors. With empathy and care, I am their advocate; I am their voice when he/she is unable to speak, it is my therapeutic touch they feel and I am part of their treatment team. It is my commitment to my patient, to the organization, and my value system. I believe in the mandatory continuing education process for nurses. In order to deliver proficient patient care it is of utmost importance to me in order to remain educated on current research and trends. Keeping up with federal regulations on HIPAA gives me the power to educate my patient and to assure them that their privacy is protected and secured. The updates from the Center of Disease Control allow me to deliver the appropriate care patient specific and as well as protect my self from exposures. I am able to explain to my patient why I am wearing a mask, a gown, or why I am red-bagging all  his linens. The patient does indeed ask â€Å"silent questions† being observant by their facial expressions I can be honest and educated with my rationales. I also belief in holistic nursing; encompassing, and â€Å"nourishing the whole person, that is the body, mind and spirit† (Chitty, 2007, p 312) as well as in holistic medicine â€Å"nontraditional forms of medicine that consider the whole person rather the disease or groups of diseased organs, it also considers the body, mind, emotion, spirit connection† (Powell, p 504). It is my responsibility in incorporate gained knowledge, skills, and resources to improve my patient’s quality of life. I strongly feel and believe that every person should be covered under universal Health Care. However, Governmental constraints along with guidelines and monetary reimbursements do not allow for additional hospital stays. I am the advocate for my patient, and as a Case Manager, I will assure that to find assistance for the patient to have someone caring for him/her at home due to early discharge. We, society, neglect to accept the reality that our patient population is getting older and their healthcare needs are more serious and demanding. I realize that professional nursing draws upon the related disciplines of natural and social sciences and humanities, and it is my contribution as a nurse to the best of my abilities to facilitate maximum functional health status for my patient by collaborating with the treatment team, families, groups and the community. It is my duty and commitment as a nurse to uphold my philosophy of nursing. I continue to evaluate my mores and values and seek to continue my education, I will advocate for my patient. I will continue to care for myself, to adhere to healthy lifestyle practices and to maintain my physical, mental and emotional health in order to continue to provide care to my patients with dignity and respect. References Chitty, K.K. (2007). Professional Nursing Concepts & Challenges (5th ed.). St. Louis: ElsevierInc. Retrieved October 3, 2008 from University of Phoenix Library. Philosophy: (2008). In Merriam-Webster online Dictionary. Retrieved October 2, 2008, from http:///, S.K. (2000) Nursing Case Management: A practical guide to success in managed care(2nd ed.), Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Power in Animal Farm

Animal Farm One of America’s most famous presidents, Abraham Lincoln, once said, â€Å"Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power. † This statement stands through all of history as countless world leaders have abused their power constantly. This also shows in the novel by George Orwell, Animal Farm. The pigs in power, and especially Napoleon, tend to constantly abuse their power and be corrupted by it. Three ways power affects the novel are the corruption of power with Napoleon, the pigs taking advantage of their power, and the eventual outcome of the book.As soon as Napoleon had some power he began to scheme to fully take it. â€Å"Nine enormous dogs wearing brass-studded collars came bounding into the barn. † Napoleon had raised dogs since they were little and readied them so he can one day take over the farm. Napoleon then used these dogs to ensure his power multiple times, especially when an uprising was boun d to happen. Napoleon became corrupted with power and used it to do his biddings. It is also seen that the dogs wagged their tail in a similar manner as they used to for Jones.Along with Napoleon, all the other pigs, who were regarded as the most intelligent of animals, soon began to corrupt their power too. â€Å"The pigs did not actually work, but directed and supervised the others. With their superior knowledge it was natural that they should assume the leadership. † The pigs seemed to have the greatest amount of food and all sorts of luxuries. The pigs would even break the Seven Commandments when they wanted to and used Squealer, Napoleon’s right hand man(pig), to explain to the animals what has happened and take advantage of them. The pigs began to sleep in beds and become more and more humanlike as well.The final outcome of the book is also influenced by the pigs corruption of power. â€Å"Twelve voices were shouting in anger, and they were all alike. No questio n, now, what had happened to the faces of the pigs. The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again; but already it was impossible to say which was which. † The pigs began to abuse their power so much they started becoming almost completely humans. They drank alcohol, slept in beds, and walked on their hind feet. With this final transformation into humans, the fate of Animal Farm has been destined for destruction.The pigs will continue fighting for power and then once a rebellion occurs the next animals shall too. Power is certainly a force to be reckoned with. Once obtained the individual or party grows to become more attached to this power and eventually corrupted with it. â€Å"Power Corrupts. Absolute Power corrupts absolutely. † (Lord Acton. ) The animals on Animal Farm felt the effect of corruption in power when the pigs started to constantly abuse it. It is truly hard to find a good leader when power does these horrid effects to most people in control. â€Å"Power Corrupts. Absolute Power corrupts absolutely. †

Friday, September 13, 2019

Blog about Public Relations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Blog about Public Relations - Essay Example This is what ethics commands. But take for instance one would like to get votes from people and yet his score card is very low. He or she might resort to propaganda as a PR tool. He will boast of projects he or she did not initiate and in the end people might trust him. The politicians might also say false information about their opponents in order to gain political mileage. Though unethical it might lower the PR of the opponent. Governments may also resort to unethical means in order to maintain their PR. They may promise things they know they cannot fulfill. For example, the government may promise to employ all its citizens in the period of about three years when it well knows this is not possible. This would be propaganda which is unethical but it really works in most cases. Ethics means doing the right thing. Every government or organizations needs to employ ethics in its undertakings in order to raise their public relations. Public relation is how an individual, organization, or government is perceived by others. It is a communication tool. Some individuals, organizations have resorted to propaganda in order to raise their public relations but this discussion argues otherwise (Moloney, 2006). It is important to give the right information in order to raise your public relations. Let us for example take a business organization. The business may try to give false information about their products in order to realize higher sales. This might work at the start but as people realize they might shun away from such a business. This will lower the public image of such an organization. It is just important to do everything ethically in the business and this will help raise your business PR (Campbell and Scaife, 1998). Governments must also do the right things in order to raise their PR. A government may fool its citizens once, twice but not forever. Once the people

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Marketing of financial services Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Marketing of financial services - Essay Example Reduction in the incidence of interest rate clustering, however, is not very costly. Hence, Ashton and Hudson implied that the more na've customers should take a more active stance in their finances - be more involved as "[t]he degree of price or interest rate clustering appears to be exaggerate when low levels of financial involvement are concerned" (Ashton & Hudson 2008, p. 1402). Citibank offers several savings and investment products, whether local currency denominated or foreign currency denominated, to its clientele. These savings and investments products are offered with range of interest rates. A look at the bank's Web page on its savings and investments products shows that its US Dollar Reward Saver is marketed as giving 2.50 per cent gross per annum rate which is much higher than the account's actual annual equivalent rate or AER of 2.02 per cent. Although both rates were published in the Web page, a na've customer - whose interest or whose lack of "ability to process information" (Ashton & Hudson 2008, p. 1393) is the one being exploited - would immediately zero in on the "earn up to 2.50% gross p.a. fixed for 6 months" (Citibank 2008) and ignore the subsequent "2.02% AER on your US Dollars in the UK2.50 per cent gross" (Citibank 2008). Clearly, in this example, the bank is playing in a very broad context of marketing ethics. Another example is the bank's Reward Saver Issue 2 product which is being offered at a gross per annum interest rate of 6.35 per cent while in reality, the customer will actually be getting an interest rate closer to 5.08 per cent which is the AER. Even the AER is structured in a way to maximise or to exploit the na've's customer's tendency to round up - in here, the na've customer would think that 5.08 per cent is substantially higher than 5 per cent. An example which provides proof to Ashton and Hudson's conclusion on the rounding - "If the number is not already a round number an individual would round a number to the closest reference number" (Ashton & Hudson 2008, p. 1394) - is the bank's net interest rate per annum for its 60 day direct savings account. The bank gives 2.48 per cent for accounts with more than '75,000. A customer with the characteristics described by Ashton and Hudson will immediately round this rate off to 2.5 per cent. The 0.02 per cent difference from the rounding off can be translated to '15 every year for a '75,000 account! Ashton and Hudson observed that for mortgage rates, the interest rate clustering "occurs very frequently just below round numbers giving strong evidence for the common use of na've number processing strategies" (Ashton & Hudson 2008, p. 1401). Unfortunately, for Citibank United Kingdom (and even for HSBC UK) I could not obtain interest rates for their mortgage products, hence I applied the findings of the research to the bank's credit card rates. For its Citi Platinum MasterCard, Citibank charges 5.8 per cent for balance transfers and an APR of 16.9 per cent which are examples of the observation made by Ashton and Hudson - clustering just below round numbers. This can also be observed in the bank's Citi AAdavatage

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

How do the subject and form contribute to the meaning of an image Essay

How do the subject and form contribute to the meaning of an image - Essay Example One can guess by taking a peek at this painting that the horse is emotionally, psychologically, and physically charged as if being drawn into a battlefield. On the other hand, the image on the right shows a horse’s head with more naturalistic proportions and harmonious rhythms. This ancient Greek sculpture generates a completely different feeling and meaning. One can guess by taking a peek at this sculpture that the horse is at ease and is tranquil. The differences in form create differences in the content. The impact and meaning of an artwork is heavily influenced by the decision the artist makes with respect to the selection of color and value, line and shape, type of balance, and the work’s size. Similarly, the subject drives the meaning of a piece of art because the audience draws inferences about it by consulting the preconceived notions and impressions it has of the

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Strategic Management of Human Resources Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Strategic Management of Human Resources - Essay Example On the other hand many enlightened businesses undertook the same to provide an enhanced experience to their employees which in turn greatly added their contribution to the organisation. The next level of change in the role and functions of personnel departments occurred with automation. Thus computerisation of functions such as pay roll and record keeping relieved personnel managers to focus on larger issues enhancing their contribution to strategic value addition to the organization as a whole. Personnel departments are also becoming more aware of the roles and responsibilities of line managers so that there is greater integration between the two for attaining strategic value. The delivery of greater quality of services by personnel departments is thus providing impetus to development in other functions of management. Personnel departments thus increasingly came to be seen not as boundary managers but value builders The traditional role of the personnel department has been seen as recruitment, defining job roles, training, structuring of pay and allowances, measuring performance and finally relieve those who are not performing satisfactorily. In many organisations these were also dealing with labour relations. However over the years, this role has been enlarged within the scope of general functions stated above to include induction of the best talent, providing effective training as per needs of the organization, designing and measuring job roles and performance, compensation management to include not just remuneration but also employee stock options based on performance and as a form of incentive and providing feedback to the management on the state of human resources in the organisation. During this stage, the term, human resources manager was being increasingly used in the management lexicon to represent the functions carried out by personnel managers. (Bersin, 2006) Induction of information technology into management and personnel functions had a lasting impact on its role and functions. Information technology systems automated routine and repetitive tasks which were so far engaging personnel managers such as pay rolls, performance reporting and incentive management. (Bersin, 2006). Systems such as recruitment and application tracking, total compensation packages build around cost to company, e learning and organizational development resulted in freeing the human resources manager to focus his attention on achieving key organizational goals by becoming a business partner in strategy implementation. Thus gradually personnel departments provided critical inputs for organizational growth. The emergence of the information and knowledge economy has also provided a critical role to personnel departments in what is being called as talent management. (Bersin, 2006). This implies personnel strategies which can identify best talent critical to organizational growth, retain and motivate it. The various strategies used for this purpose include management of competencies, measurement of performance, aligning these with the compensation package; assess overall contribution to the organization and so on. The overall aim is to limit job hopping, a trend

Monday, September 9, 2019

What Is 'Trust' (After Niklas Luhmann) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

What Is 'Trust' (After Niklas Luhmann) - Essay Example In his work he views trust as s very important sociological phenomenon that makes possible the functioning of individuals within society, and at the same time the very existence of this society. Beginning from the 1990s, the sociologists began developing the concept of trust as a key element of social relationships, and the upsurge of interest to the problem of trust is conditioned, among all, by certain characteristics of the modern society, those being more active position of people towards their own future, and at the same time the uncertainty of this future, increased interdependence of individuals and communities, multiple opportunities offered by social and technological development, and the risks connected with them. All these presuppose the necessity of trust for normal and efficient life and social functioning. Earlier, trust was often characterised as a purely personal attitude, but Luhmann regards is as an aspect of interpersonal relations and a motivating factor for individuals to act. For the scholar, trust is an important element of social, political, personal, and cultural life of any human being. For N. Luhmann, trust is, above all, the absence of sureness, and the result of the impossibility to predict the future. So, there is no wonder that that the key terms for Luhmann's understanding of the concept of trust are risk and uncertainty. He, however, offers a way to solve the contradiction between trust and certainty. The main problem when analysing the contemporary society is making no division between trust and non-trust. For Luhmann, there are two structural changes of paramount importance that are happening in the modern world: the diversification and insulation of the known and the unknown, and the growing tendency to substitute risk for danger, i.e. considering and envisaging all the dangerous consequences that may occur as a result of human actions or non-actions. Differentiating between trust and certainty, Niklas Luhmann pinpoints the fact that in the modern conditions of openness and lack of integration, the nature of relations between trust and certainty are changing. Certainty, for the researcher, is something that presupposes complete absence of any disappointment; whereas trust always takes into account some possible risks, or at least an element of risk. The main difference between trust and certainty depends on the peculiarities of personal perception and attitude. If a person does not consider any alternatives to some event of action, it means he is certain - that is, in the state of certainty. If, however, a person prefers one action or event to the rest that are potentially possible, this situation is described as a situation of trust. Therefore, even if there is a high possibility of disappointment, preferring a particular line of actions is referred to by Luhmann as trust. Consequently, it is impossible to either trust or not trust to something that is completely unknown. "[T]rust is only possible in a familiar world; it needs history as a reliable background"1. Only awareness of how the things are (familiarity) makes both trust and distrust possible - it makes any expectations possible, however it does not guarantee that what we are expecting is going to happen. Awareness is not knowledge of how somebody will act, or what

The US and Economic Development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4750 words

The US and Economic Development - Essay Example According to Nye (2004.p1) â€Å"power is the ability to influence the behavior of others to get the outcomes one wants†. The concept of soft power has its origin in the late 1980s by Joseph Nye Jr. Soft power is defined as the ability to attract and persuade others thereby shaping their preferences and making them do what you want. Hard power is the ability to make others what you want through inducement (Nye, 1990). On the one hand, it is argued that in many cases soft power works rather than hard power since it helps to get the desired outcomes without threats or force (Nye, 2004). Rather, it makes others do what we want through co-opting them.On the other hand, critics argue that imitation or attraction does not always necessarily lead to desirable outcomes(Cooper,2004).Four different definitions of power are given by Barrett et al(2001).These are the power inherent in an individual itself, ability to make others do what one wants, ability to control the contexts of people ’s interaction and structural power. In general, power can hence be defined as a kind of ability to influence or control others to make them what we want based on all these definitions. This influence is obtained either through inducement, which is defined as hard power or through attracting others or shaping others preferences, which is defined as soft power. Hard power is often associated with military and economic strength while soft power is associated with the attractiveness of culture, institutions and information technologies (Windsor, 2000).6. Though economic strength is associated to hard power, it can be argued that economic wealth can also be used to attract others to get desired outcomes. Hence, it can be linked to soft power too. According to one viewpoint, only hard power gives US the powerful status (Cooper,2004)7 while the other viewpoint gives equal credit to soft power, which has worked well there (Fukuyama,2007)8. Moreover, the soft power index developed by Chicago Council obtains the soft power in US as high (USAPC Washington Report, 2008)9. The next sections critically evaluate this issue for US by examining the various dimensions of soft power in US

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Music of Latin America # 4 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Music of Latin America # 4 - Essay Example itional instruments used for all their shamanistic rituals are the violin (sekeseke) drums (ehuru) deer- bone flute (muhusemoi) and huge rattle called ‘hebu mataro’ which is considered to be the most important of them. The spiritual significance of these instruments especially the rattle is to restore health to a very sick person. Ceremonial songs considered to be magical are sung by religious leaders and elders signify protection and healing. The Warao lullabies are melodic rhythmic patterns which signify their cultural beliefs and way of life. These songs are very important to teach their children the Warao culture and tradition and make them more familiar to their environment. One of the traditional Shamanistic rituals in Warao is wailing of women when someone dies. During this ritual, the corpse is placed in a hammock and a mourner sits beside it. The other mourners radiate from this point around the body and start wailing in a semi – spoken and semi- musical voices. (Briggs, Charles L. 1993) They lament about fate wailing and singing alternately. Almost about 20 women wail simultaneously and this could go on for a period of about 30 to 40 minutes and the entire experience is a cacophony because it is not done together. (Briggs, 1992b) The musical culture of the Warao tribes living in the Orinoco Basin developed and took shape as they travelled through the rainforests for their work. The songs were made up on the spot and comprised mostly of important occurrences and incidents in their lives. Many of their songs were religious in nature as they invoked the blessings of the spirits. They had separate songs for every occasion. They had songs for births, lullabies, dances, cutting down trees, deaths, coming of age, marriage, healing and protection and also for the election of their political and religious leaders. Shamanism seems to be the centrifugal point around which the musical culture of the Warao’s revolves. Music finds its way into every aspect

Saturday, September 7, 2019

he Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian by Sherman Alexie Essay Example for Free

he Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian by Sherman Alexie Essay Identity shows a person’s individuality. A person’s individuality can include how they dress, their beliefs, their personality traits, the way they speak, their culture, their education, etc. In The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian by Sherman Alexie and in my own life, it is evident that when exploring identity, a character must leave and return to his/her roots before truly understanding him/herself. Arnold finds out who he is by leaving and later coming back to Rowdy. In the last scene, before Arnold and Rowdy played their one-on-one basketball game, Arnold and Rowdy repair their lost friendship. It is then that Arnold thinks, â€Å"I would always love Rowdy. And I would always miss him too. † (230) This quote shows how Arnold realizes that he is different from Rowdy. To begin, he has always valued his friendship with Rowdy and so he says that he â€Å"would always love Rowdy. † Even when Arnold had a disagreement with Rowdy when heading to Reardan for a better education, he still thought of how Rowdy would defend him. However, by the end of the book, Arnold realizes that he will have to â€Å"miss† Rowdy because their dreams make them too different from each other. Therefore, Arnold discovers that his life can still include Rowdy, who has been his friend since the beginning, however, he cannot rely on Rowdy to be with him always. By the end of the book, Arnold has returned to Rowdy as a stronger and independent person. Similarly, I found my true identity after leaving and returning to my family. Growing up, I came from a home that was traditionally Chinese. We did not easily express our emotions, we were not allowed to date until after college, and being successful at school would ultimately bring honor to my family. Though these beliefs were deeply ingrained in everything I did, a rebellious side of me wanted to discover what it meant to be American as well. Why were the other families so expressive and communicative towards each other? What mattered beyond grades and doing well in school? These questions led me to leave my family and head to college eight hours away. There, I met many people who did not come from Chinese families. I noticed that some students were not as disciplined at school because their families did not stress education or some students were a little overly expressive with their feelings, which caused drama among their peers. I began to miss my house where my parents had instilled values towards having a good education and protecting our family’s privacy. When returning home, I was thankful for understanding my parent’s values and their intentions for my future. Arnold truly finds himself when he has accepted his origins and absorbed them into his perspective of himself. His reunion with Rowdy and the reservation show how he came full circle in finding himself. Even though Arnold wanted to both physically and emotionally remove himself from the reservation in order to pursue his dreams, he ultimately realizes that it is only when he acknowledges his heritage that he can move forward into adulthood.

Friday, September 6, 2019

Dutton, Donald G. Rethinking Domestic Violence. Essay Example for Free

Dutton, Donald G. Rethinking Domestic Violence. Essay This book gives us the history about assault on spouses. Dutton talks of two major social phenomena that emerged in North American and the Western countries in Europe. Long and tedious struggle of women led their rights get recognized. It goes further to state the measures and incidences of violence including theories concerning women assault. The cycle of violence and people who possess abusive personalities are stated even assault on men.Ideas in this book are crucial for they teach about recognizing one another especially those who possess violent personalities. It is good for the society for it educates one to accept one’s rights and difference between marriage duties and rights. It also shows us that we can eliminate all odds in our society and try to make each and every person feel that he or she belongs to it fully without any intimidation or discrimination. Dutton’s ideas can be used to help those who possess abusive personality by attending psychiatrists and avoiding any abusive behavior. It can be used to educate spouses in a marriage so that they will evade future marriage problems. Also, in the current globalized world, the ideas in this book can help us socialize and live together in peace and harmony especially in the domestic setup. This book can help people who are married to other cultures to harmonize or leave those cultures and then live with the acceptance and respect of each other’s rights. Weiss, Elaine. Surviving Domestic Violence: Voices of Women Who Broke Free. Volcano: Volcano Press, 2004. Print. In this book, Surviving Domestic Violence: Voices of Women Who Broke Free, Weiss wrote about several stories of women who had been subjected to domestic violence. She got these stories by interviewing and later writing them down. The book talks of what they went through and how they later managed to escape it. It gives reasons as to why such incidences were happening. After escape, the women took a very long time finally to recover the psychological and wounds they got due to this violence. But also, some were yet to recover fully for the ordeal they went through changed their lives negatively. Those who managed to deal with stress after coming out say that they are stronger than ever. The different stories taught in this book are the true causes and effects of domestic related violence. They bring about what one goes through and how one feels while undergoing the violence. Also, it helps to understand what to do when such incidences happen. It also shows its effects and how they change one’s life, therefore, targeting those who abuse their partners. This book is a very good example as it shows us that those who have already freed themselves from the marital abuses can educate others like the youth and couples about domestic violence so that they refrain from them. The stories are very encouraging for they give people motivation to solve their problems and also how one can escape this. They can be used by those specialists in parental guidance and counseling to help them shape their marriage when such incidences are reported to them and even before couples get married. The ideas in this book can enable those undergoing abuses to get out and look for a better marriage partner. One only needs to accept that he or she is undergoing domestic violence and therefore if it cannot solve; one can boldly walk away and start life afresh. Marriage is not slavery, but it’s a path towards achieving your goals in life as one needs a partner who is willing to assist where possible so that they make all their dreams in life to happen. Abused Men: The Hidden Side of Domestic Violence Cook, Philip W. Abused Men: The Hidden Side of Domestic Violence. Westport: Praeger, 2009. Print. Phillip exposes how men goes through domestic violence silently. He talks of how real it is that men are going through domestic violence without the society suspecting. He brings several stories of men who have been undergoing through such violence from their wives for a long time. Then he goes further to give tips that can help one to find freedom from any form of abuse. He talks of resistance and acceptance for those who are abusing their spouses and how they come to realize that each and every person deserves respect. He also talks of new great approaches that can be used to reduce domestic violence. He then gives survey statistics of domestic violence in Canada and also how the relationship changes between the offenders to their victims. The story is helpful in realizing what some men undergo. It gives statistics of domestic violence that people are not ready to discuss. The society is helped to recognize men who are undergoing domestic abuses from their spouses. The statistics helps people to know how long they have been living with their friends undergoing abuses without even realizing it. It talks of acceptance that can help those who are yet to accept their spouse the way they are. It is helpful for it shows how much men can be subjected to torture with use of dangerous tools. Such tools include; knives, machetes and any other type of a life-threatening tool or machine so that one can force their partner to follow their commands. Philip’s ideas can be used to know the men who are undergoing abuses from their wives and enable us to help them come out of the problem. Also, it encourages courage especially those who are not courageous enough to come out and tell their ordeal to the society. This book can help men to free themselves away from any form of abuse and intimidation from their partners. This book is crucial as it can be used to tell the extent in which men undergo violence in real life situations. Men can also use this book to help them evade any other form of domestic violence against them and therefore reducing the number of men who die as a result of domestic violence. Howard, Louise, Louise Howard, Gene Feder, and Roxane Agnew-Davies. Domestic Violence and Mental Health. London: RCPsych Publications, 2013. Print. This book has been written collectively by different authors who specialize in domestic violence ideas. It is about prevalence and physical health impacts of domestic violence. It talks about types of abuses in marriage such as physical abuse, sexual abuse, psychological abuse and coercive control and also it questions them and gives clues on their solution. It also tackles the effects of a person’s psychology which is deeply affected even in the future that may not get them out of his mind. It stresses on the survival strategies to evade such abuses and also how one can control his or her mind to avoid damaging his or her psychology. In addition, it states the methods of interventions and responses people can take after or when you suspect any form of violence. Advice from professionals on domestic violence is also written down.This text has directives on what causes mental problems after abuse. It also gives us ways on how to control ourselves and maintain a state of calmnes s so as not disturb our stressed mind. It educates us on different forms of domestic violence. Different qualified professionals wrote it, and each field is well represented. It is an important text for it has the advices on domestic violence from professionals. The story in this book can help us to evade mental problems due to domestic abuses. It can also be used by psychiatrists to know what causes a certain mental disorder, and they can use the ideas here to enable their clients who are undergoing this problem to get out of it. It can also be used to educate couples so that when they are not in good terms to try to their best solve the problem before it gets out of hand. The advices written in this book can also apply in the same way to advice people especially those undergoing domestic violence depending on the cause and the kind of violence. Kubany, Edward S, Mari A. McCaig, and Janet R. Laconsay. Healing the Trauma of Domestic Violence: A Workbook for Women. Oakland: New Harbinger The book, Healing the Trauma of Domestic Violence: A Workbook for Women, is directed to those who have been freed from domestic violence and especially women. Due to violent domestic situations, one may develop post-traumatic stress disorders which are not easy to get out of one’s mind and can negatively affect that person. It aims at giving programs known as cognitive trauma therapy which one undergoes to help him or her come back to normal. It gives the techniques one can use them to help himself or herself by identifying any form of trauma and distress. And by so doing it can enable one to deal with it to help control and change his or her life. This book is targeting those who have been affected by domestic violence so that they come back to normal for those who were traumatized. It is an educational tool for the society to understand the devastating effects of wife battering. Therefore, it makes us even to identify those who are going through post-traumatic stress. It contains technics, and procedures one can follow so that they make him deal any results brought by domestic violence. It is also helpful as it helps chase out any fears one has due to what they went through during that horrifying period of domestic violence. Psychiatrists can use this book to help traumatized people by helping them to come back to normal. The ideas here can help us even to identify those going through stress in their marriage so that they help before its too late. Parents who are not in good terms can use this book to read and understand what one may go through if such incidences happen. The techniques in this book about dealing with trauma after violence can be used by psychiatrists to help clients who underwent this ordeal. Therefore, they identify what the form of trauma is, and this can help them to accordingly better their lives. It can also be used individually as one can remember well what went wrong in that marriage and helped them better their lives. References Cook, Philip W. Abused Men: The Hidden Side of Domestic Violence. Westport: Praeger,  2009. Print. Dutton, Donald G. Rethinking Domestic Violence. Vancouver: UBC Press,  2006. Print. Howard, Louise, Louise Howard, Gene Feder, and Roxane Agnew-Davies. Domestic Violence and Mental Health. London: RCPsych Publications,  2013. Print. Kubany, Edward S, Mari A. McCaig, and Janet R. Laconsay. Healing the Trauma of Domestic Violence: A Workbook for Women. Oakland: New Harbinger Weiss, Elaine. Surviving Domestic Violence: Voices of Women Who Broke Free. Volcano: Volcano Press,  2004. Print. Source document